"O glorious Sun,.....all Radiant One,
we give thanks to thy Living Light,
calling upon thy brilliance in the hour
of our knowing,
O Bright and Morning Star,
we invoke thy radiant Power
reviving heart and soul.
O Blazing Sun of the Living Rays,
we bless and glorify thee,
renewed in thy Presence
O glorious Sun,
giving Life,
we call upon thy Name
The Living Christ." *
What shall I render to the LORD
For all His benefits towards
I will take up the cup of
And call upon the name of
the LORD.
-Psalm 116:12,13
* In this invocation we call unto the Sun as a manifestation of the Great Central Sun, the center of the radiant life giving power flowing from the Supreme Deity. In this prayer we hold the archetype of the Solar Logos (the living Word, Christ-Light) which shone and shines thru the Lord Jesus in his divine ministry in heaven and earth wherein is our regeneration. We invoke and call upon the 'name' (IDentity and nomination) of LIGHT as it is manifesting in all its various radiations from its most original Source into this planetary system...which our own Sun represents. We worship the Source, Essence, Being, Intelligence, Love, Light that upholds All Life....and to us reveals itself as the Mighty Sun/Son of God.
This brings our attention to the Solar aspects of Deity and its divine rays.
In some schools the Solar deity Helios and Vesta are called....the former being the masculine form and the latter feminine...as twin souls of the Sun.
"God is Light"
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