This days invocation from the I AM that I AM -
"I BRING all... into the infinite sphere of my Light and Love." *
In our meditation for today.....I came to remembrance of the Might of "I AM" and the Eternal "I" which is the seat of Being and Consciousness. This "I-Self" is the Center of All and from this center...the creative power of Will or intent is ever potentialized .....only waiting for the creative release of the Hearts will thru desire .... expressing in mind and voice into actuality. What the "I" wills....the "I" brings into Being. This is the seat of God-Power and the exercise of divine willing in which the I-Self affords its Joy.
This meditation therefore calls into being the invocative power of the One I AM.... evoking all of Life into the immersion of God-Light. It holds the whole of creation within the divine Will maximizing Love in all dimensions. We have this power and privilege to be the vehicle of 'God' in creative action as we call/awaken the Mighty "I" within our Being and so magnify the divine Name(IDentity and Presence).
"I Bring all,
into the infinite Sphere......
of My Light and Love." *
* the mantra ought be slowly resounded and its truth and invocation resonate within the God-Presence Awareness...for it is Gods bringing or drawing of all into its all-pervading Embrace.....to effect the compelete Realization into the Perfection of Love. After the I-Self receives the affirmation-sealing of this actualizing ....then let the natural thanksgiving and gratitude for this prayer being fulfilled resonate within and without. It is so. We give thanks.
In these I AM meditations....we allow the "I-Self" within....the God-MIND....to have all preeminence. He is the Sole MIND functioning. We allow God to be the Light and Love....drawing all into His Infinite Sphere (this is the core-drawing of all into the All that is the essence of universal salvation). We allow God to Be and Be-come All that He envisions in all realms. (this is the dynamic of eternal generations; on-going creation). God Alone is the Universal Sovereign. This Supreme Universality of God infills the Whole of Creation within Infinite Love immersing all that exists in God-Perfection....furthermore generating more and more glorious forms within the Infinite All.
I AM Be-ing
I AM Be-coming
The One LIFE reigns Omnipotent and I AM that LIFE, that Love, that Light.
1 comment:
glad to have discovered your blog! very cool. see you around the 'net
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