Monday, February 18, 2008

Universal Presence

God is all; both visible and invisible.

As we meditate upon the Truth of Existence and its original Being, we derive from this inherent Reality that Spirit is the source, substance and mind that originates and brings into form-al existence, all that exists in the visible world derived from the divine Ideas born from the Mind of the Infinite. The substance of Spirit is ever original, eternal, infinite, all-pervading and all-encompassing. It is of One Infinity. All that is visible is born from the Invisible, its perfect source and substance so that all true creation of God is according to the perfect pattern and image of its divine idea. Therefore the soul and body of Man, being God's true as whole and perfect as God is whole and perfect. It is One with divine Reality.

There is only God and God in activity

Beginning with the Truth of Omnipresence all must arise from the Ocean of Infinite Spirit, where the Whole of the Cosmos is God and His divine activity manifesting thru various forms as creation. Infinite Intelligence through 'creative thinking' is bringing forth into form ideas, thoughts, images into visible expression so that all we see is 'God in action' everywhere. True creation is always the manifestation of perfect Good, wholeness and Harmony as these are the offspring of Spirit. All health and wealth of being originates and is forever sustained in the Omnipresent One. There is only Life and its expressions.

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