Its been some time since sharing here, but we shall update you on our recent adventures. Current explorations have been in the ancient Eastern scriptures and philosophies (the Vedas, Bhagavad Gita, etc.), Krishna, the historical and legendary supports for Jesus travels in India, Egypt, Persia and abroad in his teen years and 20's, the Aquarian gospel, correlating these back with the Essenes. The value of synthesizing East and West is culminating into a beautiful Whole, as we marry Heart and Mind in a practical religious Path honoring spirituality, philosophy and science.
Oracle for the day -
"Love is the potentializing force, or centralizing power awakening within the heart...the innate and accelerating Radiance of Life itSelf, the shimmering Light of the Infinite in the finite soul, empowering the being to unfold and express its divinity of will, with the Higher Forces of the cosmic energy, of the OverSoul of the Supreme."
Swami Nirmalananda Giri has a wonderful website centered in OM Yoga, taking the spiritual truths of Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism as One.
Spiritual Writings
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