Sunday, May 04, 2008

All that matters

Spirit inspired the question, "What is all that matters?"

Answer: All that matters is what IS. From what IS, comes all that shall ever be and be-come in the unfolding of its own inherent Nature. Life left to itself in its harmony and divine Will unfolds in its own order, beauty and grace. What is most essential is the Essence of Life Itself, Being. At the heart of Reality is the Original substance. The fundamental of this substance is Life, Consciousness, Love....expressing itself as Light within the many facets of Creation, the Radiance of the Entire Cosmos. Only the All matters. Only what IS always at the heart-center of Living Awareness flowing by its own continuum is mattering in space and time. Drawing from the divine Mystery and knowledge of this Center is our Only Resource, salvation, light, wisdom and guidance holding us in balance, leading us forward to greater progress, harmony, new discoveries and celestial heights.

So ask your Self, "What really matters?" What is at the heart of my existence and my place in the world? My place in the cosmic scheme of things? Only your Self knows,...for in the center of the Self is the light of all-knowing, the same Mind that upholds and carries the Universe in its rhythms. The Heart of Life has its very frequency in you and as you! Only let that Life do as it wills, co-creating with the Universal...unfolding divine potential, awakening to a greater Vision of the Whole, advancing the cause of Good everywhere. This empowerment and Joy is your calling, your DELIGHT.

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