Monday, May 19, 2008

Creative Will

"God, as the First Source and Center, is primal in relation to total reality - unqualifiedly. The First Source and Center is infinite as well as eternal and is therefore limited or conditioned only by volition". - Urantia Papers, Foreword.

At the heart of Existence beats the primal Heart of Life whose Infinite Intelligence bears the totality of Life and all its forms. The divine Will of Spirit pervades and upholds every universe and eco-system with purpose of Self-expression, relationship and community within time and eternity, ever evolving, perfecting and extending itSelf in greater experience-capacity of goodness, truth and beauty. Creation is born from Love's desire to express, reproduce, relate and experience its divine potentials in its infinity as well as all finite levels of existence thru-out the cosmos. As we align to the Will of the Father within us, we are in at-one-ment with Love, in harmony with Life. We magnify the Will of God and so within its frequency enjoy the bounty of the Spirit.

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