As we contemplate Life in all its wonder and glory......we come to realize that it is always in our own 'being' and 'consciousness' that we experience Life as it unfolds....and thus is the only place/space wherein we touch/contact and have communion with the Greater One Reality. It is in this space of Living Awareness where we experience and come to know the Universal Mind which we call 'God'....as Infinite Love, Light, Truth, Spirit. Here in this soul-consciousness......is the sanctuary where all truth, wisdom and knowledge unfolds ItSelf in the One Light. As we open to and awaken to this Consciousness of God within.....we open the portals of the heart to the greater Love and Wisdom which reigns and sovereignly governs this planetary system and all worlds.
While we have conscious awareness as sentient beings.....there is always the opportunity and innate potential within to awaken to new dimensions of Light and attend to a Will greater than our little ego-will....the very Will which upholds all Existence and brought everything into being....including the individual life-stream that you are.
By calling upon the Name of 'God'....one invokes the very Presence or IDentity of God...whose Name is ' I AM' (Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh). Invoking the divine Name awakens your soul to the Presence of God within your own being and brings with it All that God Is....accessing one into infinite abundance and provision. This 'I AM' Presence is the core-generation of all Life...being Life ItSelf. You can by calling upon the Name of the Lord....have the peace, power, deliverance, salvation, provision and victory of Life....because His Name or IDentity of BEING is brought into manifestation by your invoking...which opens your consciousness to His abiding Presence and Power.
Now you have all that the 'I AM' has.....as you and 'God' are One. One Life. One Love. One Truth. One Being. One Presence. One Glory. Whisper his name { I AM } and feel its truth within your heart.....then you will know by inner witness...that it is so.
While you now are living and consciously alive.......the Light, Love, Truth, Reality of 'God' pervades and upholds the very substance of your being....for you could not 'be' if divine Being did not include you in its Beingness. Because God Is....you are. Because you are.....reveals that God Is.
The One Self I AM ultimates as the One, the All, the Supreme.
In Lifes Radiance may you come to know your true Self.........your 'I AM' Presence and worship the Living One.
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