"Whosever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved/delivered"
As we draw our attention to the IDentity of the Living One.......and invoke divine Presence....we open our beings to the Radiant Reality of divinity. As we make our call....and send it heavenward it awakens the heart and soul to embrace the immanent and transcendent Presence. We have the sacred privilege of summoning the Al-Mighty.....and in such summons...we enjoy salvation/deliverance/healing/liberation. This is the power of invocation.
Another aspect of our 'calling'....is our spiritual calling....which is birthed from the Logos of God....as a living word prophesied from the Living Divine. Our calling is carried on the winds of Holy Spirit....and is the call of God. This calling is awakened, summoned and brought to our remembrance as we call upon the name of the Lord which awakens in us our true IDentity. This understanding empowers our glorious vocation in the Light and inspires us to serve the Higher One.
It's in the 'calling'.
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