As we enter into a meditation of being servants of the Lord......we come into the idea of each soul being a 'lifestream' - an emenation of the One Original Life,.......an expression of the Great Central Sun of divinity. We look at the great epochs thru-out history and see how divine Providence has orchestrated and inspired revivals of light and renewal in the earth and call these times 'dispensations'. In the generations of God there are infinite dispensations. These outpourings or ministrations are also represented as periods or times of divine activity or signficance.
As we reflect on our serving the One and being the divine image and likeness of Light.....we come to realize that we are dispensations of Love.
Our souls incarnation in this time has its own holy significance as our calling has been summoned and our appearing in this cycle within eternity bears special importance. Our dispensation NOW is the high and holy calling of our be-ing and be-coming in God.
As you open to be and be-come your God-potential......see yourself as a dispensation divine.
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