Wednesday, January 09, 2008

adventures in non duality (Advaita)

'Advaita' means 'not two' or 'non-seperateness', and is sourced in the ancient hindu scriptural traditions concerning the non-duality of the One Supreme Deity, Brahma...who is Indivisible, One, All. It is commonly referred to in the west as non-duality and encompasses the basic teaching of the Oneness of Life and the non-dual nature of Consciousness, as the primary center of All That exists. We therefore intuit the nature of the One, the all-pervading as an Undifferentiated Whole. There is only this. Nothing else. All is One in this fullness of Existence. One Infinity. One Ocean of Reality wherein all the ripples or waves of space/time creation arise, into appearance and out of appearance. The One Ocean of Being and LIGHT ever remains, matter what arises within its screen of Awareness. The One remains Unchanging, Infinite, Eternal, Imperishable, Undifferentiated, Unqualified, Unconditional, Original, Supreme, Absolute, Ultimate. All that is changing, finite, perishable, mortal comes and goes within Unified Field of the One, the Master Matrix, the great Immensity. Space/time movements coincide with the revolutions of creation within the Infinite.

Exploring the non-dual Reality of Being centers us and keeps us integrated into the Great Mystery and profundity of our Existene within The HEART. We may look at the Heart as being the very core essence of LIFE, in its undimensional Infinity as well as including all that arises within it as finite creation and conditional existence. The One Eternal God Presence, I AM, forever remains...Unconditional, Unfettered, Unbound, FREE. Our abiding in the Free Realm of the Heart is key to our maintaining frequency with the Spirit, where there is complete liberty to be and be-come all that the Heart desires in Joy. That which is eternally BEING is always being, for such existence is beginningless and endless. Only That essential substance of light is eternal, as all else is subject to the play of relativity. The True Self-Existence of the Brahma/Atman retains eternal primacy. So surrender to the Heart of Reality (Truth) is the yielding all to the Eternal, Infinite, Indivisible, Undying LIFE that is forever free as LOVE.

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