Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Time is only the phenomena of movement within the Mind of the Infinite.

The unfolding of space/time creation is what 'appears' to transpire within the theater of MIND thru the inter-actions of space. Consciousness is the forever Unchanging Medium in which creation 'appears' to unfold. The Substance of Mind is eternal, Infinite...while the forms, ideas, concepts, images arising are appearing in the stream of 'time', but this is only the 'perceived effect' of relativity. The Infinite One is Self-existing as Eternity independent of space/time or 'anything' for that matter. Therefore God is ever existing within all time and eternity. What is Absolute retains eternal primacy by virtue of being Absolute. The Absolute is before, behind and beyond all relativity. There is no time in the Pure Essence of The Absolute. Only in the creative inter-actions of space does time 'appear' in relative associations.

I call the Infinite One the Great Indefinity. - all space/time definities are merely movements of perception within Consciousness.


Unknown said...

All is One: God, the Infinite, the All. There is no other.

Paul ( soulpioneer ) said...

Indeed, we hold the Allness of Spirit as Truth, the non-duality of One shines preeminent.