Friday, March 21, 2008

Love lifts

"Fear not, for you are the Beloved of God. You will not be set to fly and then be allowed to fall. Only the fictional self and the embellishments you have used to support it will perish. This is the only need that ever existed for death. Therefore, when you choose, of your own volition, to kill your fictional self, you have taken the first step toward the recovery of your conscious immortality. By the love and grace of God, you will then be led to your next step until your full and complete inheritance is recovered. For some people, the process will be complete within the twinkling of an eye, and for others a little more patience will be required. This is no different than the way some children arrive at adulthood overnight and other children take years. Such developments are not the result of preference, hierarchy, or status. Growth has its own curve which is unique for each individual."

Love Without End, Chapter 15, "The Beloved" -Glenda Green

Love ever nurtures the experiencing soul and guides it along its path of spiritual progress and wholeness of being. Love reminds the soul of its origin, strength and destiny. Always in the Light is the heart held eternally thru-out all its journeys in space and time. Love empowers us to hold to the eternal Vision, giving us wings to fly.

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