Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Original Reality

Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.

All that is Real is 'God'. The divine Reality cannot be threatened for it is inviolate, immutable, Invincible, Immortal, Enduring. Nothing 'unreal' exists as Real. 'Unreality' has no substance, foundation in Truth. It does not therefore 'exist' as Truth exists. Divine Reality pre-eminates as the Sole Truth.

Truth's originality and supremacy reigns over all that is not 'real' for what is 'unreal' does not exist in Truth. The Peace of God inherently and naturally lies or inheres in the Divine Fact that in God-Reality there is only the One Truth of God-BEING, and all appearances of 'unreality' are as nothing. In non-duality teaching, we give God Alone all Power, Presence and Glory.

Original Truth is what is fundamentally Absolute. One Presence, One Mind, One Power is All. In the Resonance of Pure Reality is all freedom, love, creativity and joy. Our substance of Being is our truth, our orignal glory, the Christ(anointed and illumined divinity).

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