Thursday, April 24, 2008

Law of expression

When we consider the laws of creation and reproduction we see the 'law of expression' at work, as out of the Creator-Mind is formed its ideas and Self-expressions, these images and forms being made of the same substance and mind of the Infinite One, the Universal Soul which is Perfect Health, Harmony, Light, Love, Truth, Life and Spirit. Out of the Universal, is the individual expression of itSelf manifested as the soul-body of Man, whose nature and substance is that One Source of Being which is All-Being, the Omnipresence of Spirit.

As we behold our true nature and substance as born and created out of the One Original Perfection, and maintain our consciousness in tune with Omnipresence, our being is harmonized in its natural existence in God, giving full liberty for perfect health and well-being of spirit, soul and body. When there are no obstructions or distortions of perception and only full faith and realized knowledge of the truth of one's being in divine Being,...then there is only the One Presence and Power in all radiance, being what it is Being, Absolute.

Meditation -

I am one with Perfect Life, perfect Love, perfect Substance, the One Infinite Existence that I AM. I yield my thoughts and feelings into the consciousness of Omnipresence, my source and root of being, my life, strength and joy. I am perfectly poised in the Eternal Spirit whose Heart and Soul is divine Perfection. I accept and radiate the light of Pure Spirit in its perfect expresssion here, now....according to its divine nature. I give thanks now for eternal Life, everlasting wholeness and infinite Love, being all that I Am and only this. I Am eternal Life individually expressing itself in the continuum of eternity. This is my Life and my Joy.

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