Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The 'unreality' of evil

Hello all,

Studies in Divine Science are moving along nicely and the creative outflow of logos continues to grow and expand. I will be combing thru older commentaries and dialogues from previous discussion venues and sharing them here from time to time.

A fellow forum-member wrote:

"Evil does not exist. People who do evil acts do exist"

I responded:

Indeed, Where God, the Infinite Source and substance of All-good IS, evil can exist. God is One. There is One Infinity of Good. Omipresence pervades the Totality of Being. In the light of understanding the nature of God, then we have to account for the 'appearance' of evil, and see that such exists as 'error', 'unreality', the antithesis of good, 'negation', a privation of God. It is without substance or power. It is apart from the original creation of God, therefore is naught. Only in the realm of duality (the reflective world of perception)...does good and evil appear to be contending forces competing with one another, yet the Truth is that there is only the Omnipresence of Good (Spirit).

Distortion of reality(sin) therefore must exist in mortal mind, imperfect vision, darkness, ignorance, humanity, time. Divine Reality, the Eternal Good exists in Immortality, Infinity, Perfection, True Light, Real Knowledge, Divinity. Pure Existence or God is ever Being, including and transcending all space and time, as One (Omnipresence). The Triumph of eternal Life therefore can only be in Life or God itself, the Spirit or Living Mind...the Soul that is divine (the Only One that IS). We may use various 'metaphors' or 'terms' for 'God', yet they all point to that which is Eternal, Infinite, Indivisible, Immortal, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient.

From the divine Source of Existence creation came forth as the perfect-expression of the Creator MIND...and such was defined by divinity itSelf as good, and in the creation of Man as 'very good'. - Man being the perfect image and likeness of God HimSelf....the I AM (the 'knowing' of Self-existence, Mind, Consciousness). Before any supposed 'fall' or 'distortion' of Truth,...there is always only all good, the consciousness of Unity and Life. Only when Man fell into 'duality-perception' (the minding of both good AND evil) was his vision distorted and the corruption of the immaculate conception of God began....sin, death, seperation from God, misperception.

Evil(error) is overcome by Good(Truth)...for in asserting the Omnipresence of Good is accepting the substance of that which Alone is Real...the One True Existence which Alone is Supreme.

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