"Real God is Truth, or That Which, when perfectly "known" (or fully Realized), sets you entirely Free."
"Real God is Consciousness (Itself). Consciousness (Itself), or the Perfectly Subjective Source (and non-seperative Self Condition) of the apparent conditional world and the apparent conditional self, Is the only Real God. "
"When everything is Realized to be Consciousness (Itself), There is Only Consciousness (Itself).
-Eleutherious, Adi Da Samraj
As we contemplate what 'Truth' is,...when must begin with what is always already Absolute, Eternal, Infinite, ever-Radiant. We consider the Reality behind all existence (unconditioned & conditioned) and the substance of Awareness or Intelligence that pervades this Existence which we identify as 'Consciousness'. Life is apparent and realized only thru the conscious being of its own existence, this being One Universal Sentience. Since the One Real God is before, behind and beyond all temporal or human conditioning, it is utterly and entirely free from the bondages and limitations of conditional existence, although such conditions are arising within the Field of Awareness seeming to modify or condition Life, yet the One Absolute 'Real God' is unconditioned in its original, eternal Essence and Being.
The unconditional retains its Changeless substancial Nature, which is Infinite Being, Consciousness and Life. (there is a relational-perception within the contrast of the changing and the unchanging. The essence of Truth(God) is unchanging in Principle, law, essence....yet ever-present as the Sole substratum or Condition of all conditions in Truth, even within the seemingly eternal rounds of space-time creation, movement, and temporal conditionings. We could say the Unchanging and the changing are both aspects of Mind, since the substance is eternal while its forms undergo transformations).
Relative conditions only appear to super-impose themselves upon the space of Universal Being as a temporal 'play' and seem to suffer from such limitations, mortality and dis-ease. These impositions/distortions only impinge on and bind the ego-self in the sense world of duality(seperation), while the native State of Unconditional Being is always FREE. Our endeavor then is to recognize the State that is always Free and abide in it, seeing thru the appearances of relative existence, transcending such in the Light of Consciousness, baptizing all in the Radiance of Spirit. 'Truth' then is that which is always eternally free, the potentialized State of all-Presence and Power, the status of Original Being, the all-Supreme, the Infinite, the One Source and Principle.
In the process of spiritual unfoldment or evolution, Man is awakening to the Truth of his Being thru recognition of his native State and potential, allowing Christ-consciousness to arise so he may be and be-come all that his constitution entails and heart desires in Truth to the glory of God. Truth is the Only Liberty of divine principle able to free, inspire, empower and emancipate Man.
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